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Parts and components for electronics

Microassembly hybrid Rh3.430.036 (PP 004)

Country: Belarus
 Supplier: Producer  
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For the transformation of binary octet digital signal 64 êáèò/ñ in relative áèòèìïóëüñíûé signal on transfer and back ïðåîáðàçîâà Nia on admission.

Detailed model description:

The food is carried out from direct current source constrainedly (10, 0+0, 5) in, (10, 0-0, 5) in; the consumption current should not exceed 30 mitotic activities at load (820+41) the Omagh, (820-41) the Omagh; restructuring page of input frequency no less than (64+0, 0065) kHz, (64-0 , 0065) kHz; constructively is accomplished in glass-and-metal enclosure 157. 29-2

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm

Under agreement with prepayment. Ñàìîâûâîç. |