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Communications facilities, postal and connective equipment

Station digital "Zvezda-11C"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For organization of radio relay links of relationship between automatic telephone station, settlement mi and institutions. With multiplex equipment "of board" provides the relation on 15 telephone channels.

Detailed model description:

Frequency range, gHerzes 10, 7-11, 7 shafts number of 12 step between shafts, mHz 40 step between frequencies in shaft, mHz 2, 5 number of telephone channels 15 antenna diameter 0, 6; 1, 25 output power, megawatt 250- 300 nominal length of one interval of communication line, km 30 - 40 intervals number to 15 diamond-like film mass, kg 30 power supply from ac network by the voltage 220 V..

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm