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Communications facilities, postal and connective equipment

Cable optical DPM

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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In soils of all groups in case of building in trench, groups 1-3 in case of building by the íîæåâûì cable-layer.

Detailed model description:

In cable conduit, pipes, blocs, on bridges and trestle-works in case of increased the demands for stability to mechanical âîçäåéñâèÿì; for hanger on tangent towers, contact railroad network, on supports of communication lines, in case of high level of external electro-magnetic influences.
construction peculiarity of protective cover:
core of modular construction with dielectric ÖÑÝ, polyethilene shell, single-layer iron wire armor, external polyethilene shell.
- pivot - glass reinforced plastic rod;
- ÏÁÒ pipe with optical fibers and hydrophobe gel;
- Êîðäåëü;
- hydrophobic filling material;
- internal polyethilene shell;
- Áðîíåïîêðîâ from glass reinforced plastic rods;
- external polyethilene shell.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per m