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Communications facilities, postal and connective equipment

Intercom apartment Kontakt-999

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For access restriction in accesses of tenement houses. Allows to p To ðåãîâîðèòü with customer, without taking out of flat, and to let in it in the house, Having gathered the code on telephone instrument.

Detailed model description:

Makes available - - - - - - - A) customer: - with door desk of access to cause required the flat; - to outtalk with flat owner; - obtain a permit go into access. B) flat owner: - to outtalk with customer; - äèñòàöèîííî to deblock the access door. Provide for: - connection to processor unit on tripple-wire slider up to 120 Flats;- continuous numbering of customers in compliance with numbers of the flat from 1 up to 999;- desk protection of door from code choice; - alarm signalling of nonclosure or door breaking-in. Provide for:* door opening of access by the set of by the way of four-valued code or Key;* utilization as of interphone of telephonic àïïà- PAT of any type, in ton. H. And customer of local telephone exchange; * there is the specific code of door opening for special services. Door desk, the electric locks, processor unit Noy branchers (single on 8 flats), devices of interphone êâàðòèð- Noy. Technical data: - customers amount of. 8-120 - number of storeyed branchers. 1-15 - remoteness of processor unit from door desk, metal. 50 - stress of AC-supply, in. 220 - power consumed, VA. 50 - category temperature range, degree with. - 40. 50 ___________________________ ________________ ¹ ï/ï composition overall dimensions, mm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Desk of door 210õ166õ54 2. Processor unit 288õ190õ70 3. Storeyed branchers 274õ104õ89 4. Electric lock 153õ55õ60 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 20.04.2007 г. за itm Wholesale price: 11998.00 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)

Package norms: box - from 1 up to 5 states. Shipment norms: box - from 1 up to 5 states.