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Engineering tools, tooling and facilities

Semiautomatic Device groove grinding OSH OSH-465

Country: Belarus
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers

   Parameters    Values
Modification markingOSH-465
Ãàá. amounts of óñòàíàâë. blank (LõBõH), MM  840õ290õ400
Íàèáîë. Mass by the blank óñòàíàâëè-ìîé, kg  250
Íàèáîë. Amounts of îáðàáàòûâ. surface. (LõB), MM  630õ290
amounts of bench top (LõB), MM  630õ200
Íàèáîë. Ïåðåìåù. carriage, thin section. Head, MM  250, 425
amounts of grinding wheel under order, MM  300õ63õ76
capacity of main drive, kilowatt  7, 5 (11)
machine tool mass with attached equipment, kg  3700
Ãàá . amounts taking into account. development. and equipment. (LõBõH), MM 4000õ2050õ2040

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm

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