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Engineering tools, tooling and facilities

Unit loading UZ 60-1

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For load of round billets of ëåíòî÷íî-ëåñîïèëüíûõ complexes with ËËÊ ðèè.

Detailed model description:

Provides by the load the ëåíòî÷íî-ëåñîïèëüíûé complex by 4 hours circular timbers by the diameter 400 MM. main ïàðàìàòðû: 1. Diameter loadable logs (MM). 100. 600 2. Length loadable logs (MM). 3000. 6000 3. Feed speed of logs (of ñì/ñ. 10 4. Transporter length (MM). 3000 5. Clearances (MM). 3880õ5600õ1950 6. Electric motor capacity (kilowatt). 2, 2 7. Mass (kg). 2600

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm