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Engineering tools, tooling and facilities

Calibre - Fuse thread PR600

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Working gatekeeper's office. Model 600. For controlling of right and left metric thread (Gost 9150-81) with tolerance zones (Gost 16093-81).

Detailed model description:

Plug limit gages for controlling of internal thread by the diameter 1-100 MM and 105- 300 MM. Diameter 1-100 MM are being manufactured with chromium plating insertions, that increases the wear resistance and their life-time 3-4 time on ñðàâíå Nia with íåõðîìèðîâàííûìè. With full thread profile. the designation example of cork (the gatekeeper's office insertions) the IR for controlling ðåçüáîâî the hole ãî dextrorsal of Ì14õ1, 25 with tolerance zone 6h: cork 8221 - 0061 (/1) 6h, Gost 17756-72. Ditto, for controlling of threaded hole sinistrorse: cork 8221-0061 ( /1) 6h, Gost 17756-72LH. designation example of cork IR for controlling of threaded hole with control gear yowl by the thread Ì110õ4 with tolerance zone 6h: cork 8223-0260 6H, Gost 17761 - 72. Ditto, for controlling of threaded hole sinistrorse: cork 8223-0260 6Í , Gost 17761-72LH. range of accuracy of thread - 4-7. plug limit gages dimension-types: 1-9, 10-12, 14-26, 27-45, 48-100, 105-300. manufacture under order. Agreed price.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm

Agreed prices.