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Building materials, structures, buildings and installations

Building mobile ZDMB-2

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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From two of blocs.

Detailed model description:

Ñíàðóæè-ãîôðèðîâàííûé steel sheet, coloured by the enamel. Âíóòðè-ñòåíû-î fightings, ïîòîëîê-âîäîèìóëüñèÿ of ïîë-ëèíîëåóì. Basic configuration of one unit : one timber door (800-2000), one wooden window with simple Far-Eastern district éíûì glass, set of electric lighting. Area 32. 6 sq. m nonstandard alternatives of decoration. window from PVC. door from PVC. steel shutters. door paneled wood. shutter of window. grating of window. frontispice. total roof with frontispice "arc". staircase module from two of blocs. staircase external. graffito. suspensial ceiling. Ðîëüñòàâíè. decoration by the plastic. decoration laminated by the board. heating (electric radiant heater). electrical panel with counter. lamp dotted. ÀÏåðåãîðîäêà double.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm