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Building materials, structures, buildings and installations

Door balcony DBPS/2

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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With single chamber multiple glass units by the filled argon and with íèçêîýìèññèîííûì compensation

Detailed model description:

Product / serial production ÎÊÄÏ code: 2522139 certificate: 001. 001. 1. Av. 3. 0687 is registered in: "Ìîññòðîéñåðòèôèêàöèÿ" 21. 07. 98 certificate validity interval: with 21. 07. 98 on 21. 07. 00 standard documents: technical specification 2291-004-04000706-96 "window and áàëêîííûå door polyvinylchloride (ÓÏÂÕ) with ñòåêëîïïàêåòàìè for buildings different allotment"

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per -