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Building materials, structures, buildings and installations

Filling latex "Akrol"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For surface levelling, subject to colour of indoor. On brick, concrete, wood and porous surfaces.

Detailed model description:

Dense, goop from filling agent and inoculants in ðàçëè÷ composition Noy of latexes. Fire- and explosion-safe, ecologically clean. drying time to the extent 3 (not more), in case of t (20+/-2) degree. C. thin section åòñÿ without water. Application: carefully mix; the surface clears Sue from dust, pollutions, previous ñîåâ of lime dyes, chalk and from øëèôîâûâàåòñÿ. | To store indoors in case of t > 0 degree. C. Ãàðàí òèéíûé storage life - 6 months with date of manufacture.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per kg

Is supplied in sealed-off tare or polythene bags. the vacation in customer tare is possible.