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Building materials, structures, buildings and installations

House cottage "Prestizh 9h6" neuteplennyy/100

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers

   Parameters    Values
Modification markingneuteplennyy/100
Structure type Íåóòåïëåííûé

Подробное описание модификации:

Basement. Pillar ìàëîçàãëóáëåííûé. 
crib (1 floor). Walls and partition walls from batter by the depth 100
veranda. Wireframe, íåóòåïëåííàÿ. External battening 
natural moisture content. Interior cladding of walls and ïîòîëêà-ôàíåð
attic-room. Wireframe, íåóòåïëåííàÿ. External battening 
natural moisture content. Interior cladding of walls and ïîòîëêà-ôàíåð
roof. Slate. 
window. Double glazing according to the state standard. 
door. Continuous filling in. 
sex. Íåóòåïëåííûå from floor board 36-38 MM.

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 20.02.2002 г. за itm Wholesale price: 0.00 USD(USD)
Retail price: 17400.00 USD(USD)

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