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Structural road-building machinery

Automobile bangboard KrAZ-65053

Country: Ukraine
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


Carrier vehicle of ÊðÀÇ-65053

Detailed model description:

Carrying capacity, kg. 16825 mass live, kg. 10950 mass full, kg. 28000 on front axle. 6000 at the dolly. 22000 mass towed trail, kg. 20000 internal dimensions of flat car, MM. 5770 kh 2320 kh 825 motor. ßÌÇ-238Á, diesel. engine power, kilowatt (horse power). 220 (300) speed transport, êì/÷. 90 supervisory fuel consumption in case of 60 êì/÷ ë/100êì. 33, 0 fuel tank capacity, L.. 2 kh 250 wheelbase, MM. 4880/1400 clearance, MM. 255 overall dimensions, MM. 9580 kh 2500 kh 2765

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm