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Offer investment "Gazobalonny avtomobil"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Production of automobile gas-cylinder instrument for use compressed natural gas in quality of transportation fuels on the basis óíèêàëü Noy gearbox of Ñ-1.

Detailed model description:

Ïpîåêòà Ñîäåpæàíèå serialization of new types of prospective àâòîìîáè ëüíîãî gas-cylinder equipment to translate motor transport on alto åðíàòèâíîå gas-motor fuel in conditions of completely completed technical îëîãè÷åñêîãî production cycle. market Russia and countries of CIS. cooperation Ôîpìà credit. volume of the investment and ïpîåêòà efficiency volume of the investment - 30, 0 thousand. dollar. U. S. A.. clean set out income of NPV= 3, 9 thousand. dollar. U. S. A.. internal rate of profitability of IRR = 12, 67%. Ñpîê ïpîåêòà paybacks - 14 months.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per -