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Chemical products, materials and reagents

raw-rubber isoprene SKI-3 PS-2gr

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers

   Parameters    Values
Modification markingPS-2gr
Kind  First
Mooney viscosity of mb 1+4 (1000Ñ)  65-74
plasticity  0, 36-0, 41
Ýëàñ. Voss. after îïð. Plasticity, MM, not more  1, 9
mass fraction of antioxidant, %, ÂÒÑ-60  0, 35-0, 55
conventional. strength in case of races. MPa, no less than, in case of 230Ñ  28, 4 (290)
conventional. strength in case of races. MPa, no less than, in case of 1000Ñ 19, 6 (200)

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per t

Annotation, brand detailed description, all modifications