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Electrotechnica, cable products and equipment

Relay electromagnetic RES 85, RES 86 RES 85/1

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers

   Parameters    Values
Modification markingRES 85/1
Execution  ÐÑ4. 569. 794-01
supply voltage of direct current source, in  5; 27
coil designation and connecting method  À-Á
operate voltage, in, not more  10. 5
the drop-away voltage, in, no less than  0. 90
the coils Ñîïðòèâëåíèå, the Omagh  3000+/-450
the working voltage, in  27+/-11
the mass, year, not more  45
the number of sealed-contact reed relays and diodes, pieces 3 sealed-contact reed relays and 1 diode

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm

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