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Check-out and adjusting instrumentation, transducers

Regulator thermal IRT

This brand has modifications - select them below after reading annotation and detailed description


For regulating and technological process inspection in the power industry, metallurgies, in chemical and other industries

Detailed model description:

The termostats are intended for application: in-machines for the manufacture the plastic goods; in electric furnaces of different allotment and capacity; for temperature measurement in bearing of turbines etc. distinctive features: automated two-position impulse temperature control on proportionate, in proportions to - integrated and ïðîïîðöèî- íàëüíî-èíòåãðàëüíî - differential laws; indication set by and current temperature; signalling and switch-off of heating elements when achieving the specified and accidental temperature. task range of temperature control, hail with 0. 500 return area in the control, hail with, not more than 5 basic error of temperature indication, % 0, 5 output signal contact with âîç- ìîæíîñòüþ êîììóòà- chains öèè ïåðåìåí- Noy current íàïðÿæå- Nia 220 in case of current to 0, 2 and power supply voltage, in 220 (240) frequency, Hz 50 (60) power consumption, VA 10 mass, kg 1, 6 clearances, MM 230õ160õ44 basic error of operation, % 0, 5 termostats Can work complete with òåðìîýëåêòðè÷åñêè- mi by the type transducers ÒÕÊ and thermoelectric resistive transducers of Ti p ÒÑÌ (copper) and ÒÑÏ (platinum). in heat regulators ÈÐÒ4. 1 and ÈÐÒ4. 2 probes compound of three wire relation.

  Detailed modification description
NNModification marking
The heat regulator type working temperature range, the hail with the sensor model, (ÍÑÕ-íîìèíàë. | Statistical. characteristic
1 N 1
N 1
ÈÐÒ1 0. 400 ÒÕÊ (Gost 3044-84)
2 N 2
N 2
ÈÐÒ4. 1 0. 400 ÒÑÏ (Gost 6651-84)
3 N 3
N 3
ÈÐÒ4. 2 0. 200 ÒÑÌ (Gost 6651-84)