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Check-out and adjusting instrumentation, transducers

Transducer pressure IPD 4

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


Pressure transformation or difference of pressures in electric signal in probes of absolute and differential pressure

Detailed model description:

The transducer is accomplished in crystal by the amount 6, 2õ6, 2 MM and depth 0, 4. 0, 48 MM with membrane by the amount 3, 5õ3, 5 MM and square concentrator in the centre of membrane. In two contrary regions of membrane between concentrator and thick part of crystal are formed two tensoresistive bridge, on thick part - two transistor circuits of thermal compensation. All tensoresistors of bridge identical on geometry and are parallel to among themselves. Two of them are located at concentrator territory in compression zone (in case of membrane load on top), two - at membrane territory in tensile phase. The resistors are combined in bridge joint of Uitston. Strain bridge duplication and the thermal compensation schemes was set on crystal design for increasing of yield.

the technical characteristics
the range of measured pressures, MPa
(shall be allowed three-time reloading). 0, 01 - 0, 04
supply voltage, V.. 5 +/-0, 25
nominal output signal, microwave. 25. 70
non-linearity of output signal, %. < 0, 3
initial unbalance of bridge, of ìÂ/Â. < 3
category temperature range, S.. From - 50 to +85
temperature "maintenance" of sensibility, %/10 S. . < 0, 3
temperature error "of nil", %/ 10 S.. < 0, 3

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 11.05.2004 г. за itm Wholesale price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 104.59 RUR(RUR)

Price without VAT