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Hydroengineering equipment

Pump centrifugal K-60M

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Detailed model description:

Is intended for swapping chemically neutral water (ðÍ=6-8) with temperature to 80 degree. With, with content of mechanical impurities not bibliographic description leu 0, 3% by mass and amount of solid particles not more 1 MM. Shall be allowed the solid particles by the amount to 5 MM at a rate of to 20% from the total ñîäåð of æàíèÿ. submission 60 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 20 M.. pump output 5 kilowatts. mass 66 kg.

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 10.08.2000 г. за itm Wholesale price: 3360.00 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)