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Packing, packing equipment and materials

Apparatus packing TPC-550D1-4

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Thermosetting industrial line for packaging in shrinkable film long products (ïîãîíàæ, åâðîâàãîíêà, cornices, rouleaus etc). guarantee 6 months. Ïîñòãàðàíòèéíàÿ support. Consumables.

Detailed model description:

The equipment certified by the Ministry of Health and Ðîñòåñòîì of Russian Federation. technical data. voltage - 380 in, 50 cycles power consumption - 8, 5 kilowatts weight - 595 kg maximal clearances of packaging - 270*400*6000 MM film width - to 1200 MM environmental category - ÓÕË-4 according to the state standard 15. 150-69 speed êîíâåéðà - 120 ìì/ñ film - polyethylene thermosetting equipment composition. 1. Assembled metallic enclosure. 2. Control box. 3. Metal conveyors. 4. Thermocamera. 5. Bloc of airs cooling. 6. Roll stem with bobbin of film. 7. Roll welder of longitudinal weld. 8. Ñòîéêà-ïîäñòàâêà with rollers. 9. Roller table. 10. Thrusts of montage. functionally the apparata consists of four assemblies. ÒÏÖ-550Ä1 - ðîëüãàíã-áëîêèðàòîð. ÒÏÖ-550Ä2 - transporter with òåðìîíîæîì. ÒÏÖ-550Ä3 - òåðìîòîííåëü. ÒÏÖ-550Ä4 - ñòîéêà-ðîëüãàíã.

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 30.11.2001 г. за itm Wholesale price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 80100.00 RUR(RUR)

The prices with VAT. there are the regional representative offices.