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Books, periodicals and printing products

Newspaper university "Propeller" 1/01/2002

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers

   Parameters    Values
Modification marking1/01/2002
Number  1/ (3660)
month  January
year 2002

Подробное описание модификации:

N 01 (3660) January 2002. Articles - 8 
table of content: 
*Ã. Mikhailov. P. m. of memory. To 85th anniversary from the birthday 
V. item of Mishin 
*Ä. T. N..  professor V., Äìèòðèåâ, Dr.  professor of L. M. Øêàäîâ. | 
Noy purpose development program of civil aircraft materiel of Russia 
*Ì. A. Ivanov. Ìàåâåö with 1939 
*Ïðîôåññîð V. F. Áîðèèèñîâ, senior lecturer of M. A. sugar, senior lec
turer Yu. V. gull. Êàôåä 
r 404 - half a century 
* flora Êàëèíêî. New Year mosaic 
*Ïðåññ-ñëóæáà of benevolent foundation V. Potanin. The students ten in
äóùèõ moscow higher educational institutions shall be acquiring the Vl
adimir scholarship of Potanin 
*Å. Âîëûíêèíà. Space news 
* "open doors days" May

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Price: agreed per copy

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