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Books, periodicals and printing products

Magazine specialized CTA 3/2006 (40)

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Modification marking3/2006 (40)
Number 3
Year 2006

Подробное описание модификации:

ÎÁÇÎÐ/Àïïàðàòíûå means
Construction aids of human-computer interface
In explosive zones division 2
Victor Æäàíêèí
CTR. 6
The second portion of review explosion-proof the construction aids of 
human-computer interface is devoted to console terminals of iPC-EX and
 IBM pc compatible panel computers of VISUEX. In comparison with earli
er described operator panels of TERMEX these articles of company of Pe
pperl Fuchs EXTEC GmbH are intended for solving more complex tasks of 
visualization, control and steering. 
System ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀÖÈß/Ìåòàëëóðãèÿ
Information and control systems in metallurgy
Aleksey Ñâåòëè÷íûé, Constantine Ëåéêîâñêèé
CTR. 18By the example of developments of scientific-industrial society
 < ÄÎÍÈÊÑ > over the area of control systems of main drives of r
eversing mills the information on function extension of local systems 
of automation and their integration in the united production managemen
t system is given. 
Control system of process of kilning of electrode materials
Stanislav Cîøêèí, Àíòîíÿí Alexander, Gennady Ïîëòîðàê, Nikolai Ñîðîêèí
CTR. 26In the article the experience in creation of CAD roasting of el
ectrode production is given. The structure and system function, exploi
ted on Novocherkassk electrode plant are disclosed. The introduction o
f CAD made it possible to increase the quality of electrode production
 and to reduce the fuel consumption on roasting. 
Automated control system of bedstand of vertical drying of ladles
Ïåðåõîä÷åíêî Victor, Alexander Ðåáåäàê, Ãàðêàâåíêî Sergei, Shevchenko 
Olga , Levina Larissa, Borises Alexander, Õìîëüÿíèíîâà Natalia, dmitri
CTR. 32Essential composing the ladles preparation of steel casting is 
the lining drying, which shall be effected strictly on specified therm
al the diagram with cost minimization of power carriers. These article
 presents the bedstand of vertical drying of ladles, the conditions of
 its operation and is disclosed feature. Major attention is paid to co
ntrol system of bedstand. The possibilities, provided by the user syst
em are shown, the indices of its efficiency, received by results of im
plementing are given. 
ÐÀÇÐÀÁÎÒÊÈ/ÀâèàöèÿOn-board data logger
Markov ×åëüäèåâ, Nikolai Talan, Belonogov Alexander, Sergei Åãîðû÷åâ, 
valerij Êóëè÷åíêî
CTR. 38In the article the design problems of airborne recorder, intend
ed for parameters record of flight information of unmanned aerial vehi
cle are considered. 
ÐÀÇÐÀÁÎÒÊÈ/Êîíòðîëüíî - measurement system
Checkout equipment of opto-electronic telescopic complex
Andrei Áåëåâè÷, Victor Áåëîâ, Victor Áðóñèëîâñêèé, Vladimir Ïîæèäàåâ
CTR. 44The construction principles, the composition and the structure 
of equipment, intended for control of opto-electronic telescopic compl
ex and control of its operation in the course of are considered adjust

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