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Books, periodicals and printing products

Magazine specialized CTA 1/2006 (38)

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Modification marking1/2006 (38)
Number 1
Year 2006

Подробное описание модификации:

System ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀÖÈß/Ðàñïðåäåëåííûå of control systems
Automation territorially - dispersed objects
With draft on funds of MicroPC
CTR. 6
Ñóìèòåëüíîâ Victor, Constantine goat, dennis Àôîíèí
In the article the decisions on automation territorially - dispersed o
bjects with signal transmission on devices and the systems on connecti
on radio channel and message generation in compliance with standard de
mands of state standard series of Re the IEC are suggested 870. Sugges
ted solutions are implemented using of hardwares of MicroPC. 
System ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀÖÈß/Ïèùåâàÿ industry
Problem solution of operative management of production on different le
vels of information structure of enterprise
CTR. 14Vladimir of Äåìèäîâ
The information structure of enterprise from the point of view of posi
tioning and interaction of individual its members is considered: their
 site in administration pyramid, problem and the integration fashions 
with industrial environment is determined. The Special attention is gi
ven to integrations of ERP-, MES-ñèñòåì and CAD for problem solution o
f operative management of production. 
Integrated approach to system construction of control of technological
 processes of alcohol production
CTR. 22Gunko Alexander, commisaries Igor, Alexander Äîðîôååâ
The article describes the complex approach to constructing CAD alcohol
 production by the example of Êîçëîâñêîãî alcohol plant. Composing thi
s approach are the option of soft and hardwares in compliance with pre
scribed missions and demands, the optimization of control parameters, 
the provision of functional and architectural system flexibility, the 
organization of realtime processing, in conditions of explosive zone, 
the creation of comfortable user interface for AND operator ton. D. Th
e quantity indices, proving the efficiency of introduction described a
re given system. 
System ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀÖÈß/Ýëåêòðîýíåðãåòèê and
Modernization of operating-information complex of automated system of 
dispatching control of Dniepropetrovsk electric power networks
CTR. 28Nikolai Òèòîâ, Ïðîõâàòèëîâ Vladimir, Anatolij Êðèâîíîñîâ, Natal
ia Ëåâåíåö, dmitri Áîðîäèí, Michael Ãàëüïåðèí
The modernization purposes are stated, related the new structure of op
erating-information complex is given, the description applied to the a
pparatus and programming support is given. The implemented measures of
 provision of high reliability are listed, advanced capabilities moder
nized complex and unitized the character presented are shown solutions
System ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀÖÈß/Æåëåçíîäîðîæíûé transport
Safety and economic efficiency - outstanding features of train control
 system of Kazan subway
CTR. 34Victor Áåëîâ, Anatolij Ãîëûíñêèé, Constantine Potapov, Michael 
Ãàðêóøà, lion Êîðåíåâ
The architecture and the composition of train control system of Kazan 
subway are considered

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Price: agreed per copy

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