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Construction and design and exploration work

Arrangement coating UPk/2

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


Detailed model description:

Services / without instrumental control ÎÊÄÏ code: 4540362 certificate: 011. 092. 1. R. 3. 2142 is registered in: "Ìîññòðîéñåðòèôèêàöèÿ" 02. 09. 99 certificate validity interval: with 02. 09. 99 on 02. 09. 01 standard documents: construction norms and specification 3. 06. 03-85 "motor roads"; construction norms and specification 32-03-96 "Àýðîäðìû"; ÂÑÍ 2-94 " instruction on constructions and technology of road making in regions of mass housing construction"

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per sq