- Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering and Equipment
- Agricultural machinery and equipment
- Animals, birds, fish and nutriment for them
- Art goods, souvenirs, artworks
- Audio, video, optics, photo - equipment, products, materials
- Auto-, Tractor Engineering and Equipment
- Books, periodicals and printing products
- Building materials, structures, buildings and installations
- Check-out and adjusting instrumentôåøùò, transducers
- Chemical instruments and equipment
- Chemical products, materials and reagents
- Communications facilities, postal and connective equipment
- Computing machinery, hardware, components
- Construction and design and exploration work
- Courses, lessons, consultations, educational sevices
- Crockery and table accessories
- Electrotechnica, cable products and equipment
- Engineering tools, tooling and facilities
- Exercisers and training equipment
- Fabrics, textile and carpet goods
- Finances, investments, lending, leasing, insurance, bidding
- Foodstuff, beverages and their components
- Footwear, clothing, lingerie, and attendant accessories
- Furniture, decor, fittings
- general mechanical rubber products and rubber goods
- Glass, ceramics, faience, porcelain
- Haberdashery
- Household appliances
- Household chemical goods
- Household goods and ironmongery
- Hydroengineering equipment
- Informatics and software
- Intrusion protection and fire-control systems, equipment, si
- Jewelry and bijouterie
- Lifting machinery, mechanisms and equipment
- Lighting engineering
- Measuring instruments and gaging equipment
- Medical apparatus, equipment and accessory
- medical products
- Metal-roll, metals, alloys
- Mineral and chemical raw materials
- Mining, gas, oil producing and geological equipment
- Municipal and domestic services
- Musical instruments, accessories
- Office equipment and stationery
- Oil- and gas-refining production
- Organic and vegetal raw materials
- Overalls, protectors, outfit
- Packing, packing equipment and materials
- Parts and components for electronics
- Perfumery, cosmetics and sanitary facilities
- Pipeline ware and reinforcement
- Plants and fertilizers for them
- Printing equipment
- Processing equipment
- Project, design, technical, scientific documentation
- Pulp and paper products
- Radio-electronic apparatus and equipment
- railway equipment and rolling stock
- Real Estate
- Refrigerating and cryogenic equipment
- Sandries and bearings
- Services
- Shipbuilding, shipboard and port facilities
- Sports, tourist equipment and outfit
- Structural road-building machinery
- tanning products, furs
- Technologies
- Tobacco goods
- Tourism, Travelling, Leisure
- Toys, game and entertainment equipment
- Transfer of technologies, innovation projects
- Varnishes, paints, glues
- Vending and canteen equipment
- Ventilating and heating equipment
- Vessels, reservoirs and balloons
- Watches and high-precision mechanics
- Weaponry, armament and pyrotechnics
- Welding equipment and materials
- Woodworking products