Sistema federal de información sobre mercancías y servicios (al inicio)
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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Juguetes, equipo para juegos y diversiones

Tiro de láser "Strelok"

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


Mobile system with wide recruitment of service functions. For child and HSM îñëûõ any age. Absolutely is safe. The special attraction may óñòàíàâëè to âàòüñÿ on children play-grounds, in entertainment parks.

Descripción completa de la marca:

Is used in the any season, in any climatic conditions in case of temperature from - 10 to +40 degrees. overall dimensions: length - 8, 5 m width - 5 m height - 4 M.. îðóæèÿ-èçëó÷àòåëÿ number of (guns) - 4 state. ìèøåíåé-ïðèåìíèêîâ number of elements of light and sound ñèãíà- ëèçàöèè - 10 state. deck results signalling apparatuses for ñòðåëêîâ - 4 state. supply voltage - 380 in maximal of power consumption - 250 computer engineerings area, occupied by the special attraction, sq. m - 45 . unfolding time of system in mobile execution - 4 hrs.. system mass in mobile execution - 12 kg.

Condiciones de suministro:

Precios: de 05.06.2002 g. por itm Precio al por mayor: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Precio al por menor: 161000.00 RUR(RUR)

Deliveries: - mobile execution - mobile èñïîëíåíèå+ÌÅ/êîíñòðóêöèÿ - êàðêàñ+÷åõîë from synthetic ìàòåðèàëà+áëîê ý/îáîðóäîâàíèÿ+äèçàéí. drawing up