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Juguetes, equipo para juegos y diversiones

Columpio gigantesco "Extreme Attraction-K" "Mars-120"

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción

   Parámetros    Sentidos
Marcación de la versión"Mars-120"
Suspension vertical height of gondola, metal 9
Hoisting depth of gondola, metal 18
Platform dimension for installation of special attraction, metal 17 on 7
Maximal angle of swinging, degree. 120
Output capacity up to, ч/ч 700
Oscillation time, with 155
Surplus vertical acceleration, g 2, 5
Passenger uplift, peoples. 32
Average consumed electric. Power иллюмин. кВт*ч/ч 15
Buildup time, pattern. 2
Time of This is only test. Ирования and setting-ups, pattern. 1
Amount 40ft containers of Open-top for transport, state 4

Descripciñon de la versión:

Most popular special attraction - Mars seesaws 120. Special attraction
 name this is simultaneously and untransferable flight sensations and 
entertainments thirst, and brightest of impression. The excellent rigi
d fixation withholds each rolling in grasp dead, not dependently from 
one what they has build and the increase in. The soft comfortable seat
s will not allow ощутить no senses of discomfort. Cap Снимите, the spe
ctacles, застегните pockets and forwardly - on Mars.

Condiciones de suministro:

Precios: de 04.05.2008 g. por jue Precio al por mayor: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Precio al por menor: 120000.00 RUR(RUR)

Resumen, descripción detallada de la marca, todas las versiones