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Juguetes, equipo para juegos y diversiones

Columpio gigantesco "Extreme Attraction-K" "Mars-360"

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción

   Parámetros    Sentidos
Marcación de la versión"Mars-360"
Suspension vertical height of gondola, metal 9
Hoisting depth of gondola, metal 18
Platform dimension for installation of special attraction, metal 17 on 7
Maximal angle of swinging, degree. 360
Output capacity up to, ч/ч 700
Oscillation time, with 155
Surplus vertical acceleration, g 2, 5
Passenger uplift, peoples. 32
Average consumed electric. Power иллюмин. кВт*ч/ч 15
Buildup time, pattern. 2
Time of This is only test. Ирования and setting-ups, pattern. 1
Amount 40ft containers of Open-top for transport, state 4

Descripciñon de la versión:

The Mars 360 this is the special attraction which will give most extre
mal sensations, which only it is possible to get on seesaws. Absolutel
y safe and the safe special attraction not only is of all pluses of pr
evious model (the Mars 120), but also has several constructive charact
eristics, allowing the seesaws to make complete the take-over. That fe
els the customer, facedown to upside here by feets, and squealing from
 horror and untransferable impressions? We unlikely learn, but we prec
isely are aware that it little передохнет, will come itself and again 
will have the wish take to a drive on this super special attraction.

Condiciones de suministro:

Precios: de 04.05.2008 g. por jue Precio al por mayor: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Precio al por menor: 120000.00 RUR(RUR)

Resumen, descripción detallada de la marca, todas las versiones