Sistema federal de información sobre mercancías y servicios (al inicio)
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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Архив подсистемы «Информация производителей продукции»

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Instrumentos de precisión y equipo

Regulador de temperaturas

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 •  Inter
 *  Nac.
  • RT-1001

    *  RT-1001

  • For providing of predetermined temperature beginning the circulations or the maintainings specified heat-transfer agents temperature in hot-water boilers, motors and other technological plants.
  • RT-1002

    *  RT-1002

  • For providing of optimal temperature of fluid in cooling systems suspended outboard engines by varying of expenditure of salt water.
  • RT-DO(DZ)

    *  RT-DO(DZ)

  • The device, receiving the energy, necessary for rearrangement regulate ùåãî vent, at the expense of temperature measured environment.
  • RT-TS

    *  RT-TS

  • For automatic temperature control in heat and îõëà äèòåëüíûõ systems of household, communal and industrial installations.
  • RTP-32-2M

    *  RTP-32-2M

  • For automatic control of coolant temperature, lubricating oil in stationary, ship, locomotive and industrial diesels, gas engines and gas-motocompressors.
  • RTP-M

    *  RTP-M

  • For automatic control of coolant temperature, lubricating oil in stationary, ship, locomotive and industrial diesels, gas engines and gas-motocompressors.
  • RTPD-100

    *  RTPD-100

  • For systems of cooling and lubricant of diesel installations, gas engines and gas-motocompressors.
  • RTPD-125

    *  RTPD-125

  • For systems of cooling and lubricant of diesel installations, gas engines and gas-motocompressors.
  • RTPD-150

    *  RTPD-150

  • For systems of cooling and lubricant of diesel installations, gas engines and gas-motocompressors.
  • RTPD-65

    *  RTPD-65

  • For systems of cooling and lubricant of diesel installations, gas engines and gas-motocompressors.
  • RTPD-80

    *  RTPD-80

  • For systems of cooling and lubricant of diesel installations, gas engines and gas-motocompressors.
  • RTCGV-20

    *  RTCGV-20

  • For automatic temperature control in systems is centralized Noy heat water supply of individual buildings and serving êîìïëåê buildings owls of different allotment.
  • RTCGV-25

    *  RTCGV-25

  • For automatic temperature control in systems is centralized Noy heat water supply of individual buildings and serving êîìïëåê buildings owls of different allotment.
  • RTCGV-32

    *  RTCGV-32

  • For automatic temperature control in systems is centralized Noy heat water supply of individual buildings and serving êîìïëåê buildings owls of different allotment.