Aclaración/resumen:Low-frequency, for studying, adjustments and tests ðàäèîòåõíè÷åñ
CFU systems and devices
Descripción completa de la marca:Source of sinusoidal sensor signal increased by the output power. The di
òàíöèîííîå frequency control allows the use of generator in auto
ìàòèçèðîâàííûõ the measurement systems through external adapter óñòðîé
hyperfine interaction.
technical characteristics
frequency range, Hz. 1. 299 900
output power, not Maine, computer engineering. 1, 0
frequency inaccuracy, %. +/- (1, 0. 1, 5)
overall dimensions, MM. 488õ133õ485
mass, not more, kg. 15, 5 |