Sistema federal de información sobre mercancías y servicios (al inicio)
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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Lacas, pinturas y gomas

Terreno de automóbiles FL-03K

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


To protect metal and wood surfaces under compensations by the ðàçëè÷ humanitarian aid enamels. Attaches compensations high àíòèîêîððîçèîííûå property

Descripción completa de la marca:

The technical characteristic the film colour of prime coating - brown, the tint is not standardized the exterior appearance of film - homogeneous , smooth, mat, semidull and ïîëóãë the ÿíöåâàÿ surface the funnel viscosity on type viscometer of ÂÇ-246 with diameter combustor 4 MM (ÂÇ-4) at a temperature of (20, 0_ 0, 5) ° c, with, no less than - 40 the drying time, not more to the extent 3 in case of (20_ 2) ° c, ch - 8 to degree-four in case of 100-110 ° c, mine, - 35 the elasticity Films in bending, MM, not more - 1 film strength in case of hit instrument of Ó-1 type, cm, no less than - 40 film adhesion, severity, not more - 1 film hardness on ìàÿòíèêîâîìó device of Ì-3 type, conventional. chow. no less than in case of (20_ 2) ° c - 0, 36 pendulum ÒÌË - 0, 20 in case of 100-110° c - 0, 5 pendulum ÒÌË - 0, 30 film durability to 3 %-íîìó sodium chloride brine in case of temperature (20_ 2) ° c, ch, no less than - 24

Condiciones de suministro:

Precio: contractual por itm