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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Preparados medicinales

Eucamilina antibacterial EA

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


Possesses by the anti-inflammatory effect. In case of acute respiratory disease, chronical ãíîéíî- inflammatory diseases in otorhinolaryngology, stomatology, õèðóð ãèè, gynecology, urology, proctology.

Descripción completa de la marca:

Refined amount of terpenoid àëüäåãèäîôåíîëîâ and triterpenoids, apportionment ííàÿ from eucalypt pages of ïðóòîâèäíîãî. Active as regard ñòàôèëîêîê the Cove, streptococci, enterococcuses, diphtheria exciter, ñïîðîîáðàçóþ ùèõ bacteria, tubercular mycobacteria, the candida etc.. Stimulates T- the cellular immunity and interferon induction. ñòü at micro-organisms is not being developed stably. Priority: good mobility; high follicle-associated epithelial ôåêòèâíîñòü in child and adults; availability of anti-inflammatory and ïðîòè âîîòå÷íîãî effect; absence of allergizing properties; possibility application at pregnant womens and newborn. 1%-íûé solution (in article ðèëüíîé distilled water) designate by the adult by the and child in case of acute and chronical the disorders of the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx, ïðèäà exact nose sinuses, parodontium in the form of inhalations, dispersions in cavity Republic of Tatarstan, nose drops, irrigations, ïðèìî÷åê etc. Suppository on 0, 05 year - in adults intravaginally and rectally in gynecology, urology and use òîëîãèè 1-3 time per day during 1-4 and more than weeks.

Condiciones de suministro:

Precio: contractual por ml