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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

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Maquinaria y equipo para automóbiles y tractores

Grúa automotriz telescópica KS-45717-1

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


Carrying capacity 25ò to work with conventional cargoes and carrying capacity 20ò to work with poisonous and explosive loads. Shaowu sci of ÓÐÀË-4320-30 is mounted on.

Descripción completa de la marca:

The automobile crane of ÊÑ-45717-1, carrying capacity 25ò for conventional year ðóçàìè and weight-carrying capacity 20ò to work with poisonous and dangerous in respect of explosion cargoes is mounted on chassis of ÓÐÀË-4320-30. mechanisms drive of crane - hydraulic from pump, outlined in action landing-gear motor. The hydraulic drive provides the ease of and ïðîñ- the Directorate òîòó of crane, the operating smoothness of mechanisms, the wide range working speeds, the combination of crane operations. boom telescopic three-section. Sections nominate ãèäðîöèëèíä- r and block-and-tackles. for enlargement of ïîäñòðåëîâîãî space on particular order ïîñòàâëÿ- ëåêãèé åòñÿ trellis óäëèííèòåëü of boom (doucine). the microprocessor-based clipper of carrying capacity with digital èíäèêà- information öèåé allows to track degree of utilization of crane, length and boom flight, hoisting depth the boom crest, shows ôàêòè- the ÷åñêóþ size of cargo on hook and the maximal carrying capacity on äàí- the escape Nome, as well as tacitly on destinations restricts the area served by crane in case of close working. stipulated in clipper telemetric memory "black box" fixes the work parameters, as well as the degree of crane load during all lifetime of crane. the technical characteristics the carrier vehicle of ÓÐÀË-4320-30 the ascensional rate (lowering) cargo 6, 1 axle arrangement 6*6 Mach ascensional rate lowering ßÌÇ-238Ì2 motor of empty hook and cargoes to 4, 5ò 12, 2 long wave capacity. kilowatt (horse power. 176/240 precision load-lowering speed, ì/ìèí 0, 2 carrying capacity, t rotational speed, ìèí-1 1, 9 with conventional cargoes 25 travelling speeds of êì/÷ 60 with poisons. and âçðûâîîï. growth hormone GH. 20 overall of sizes transport load moment, telemetric 75 provisions, MM departure, m 2-18, 7 length 10900 hoisting depth, m width 2500 with îñí. Boom 10-21, 3 heights 3600 with single file 28, 2 total masses with îñí. Boom, t 22, 0 boom length, m 9-21 load distribution on the road, T. with doucine length, m 7 through tyre before. Wheels 5, 5 through wheels tyre of trolley 16, 5

Condiciones de suministro:

Precio: contractual por itm