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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Sistemas, equipo y señalización de seguridad y contraincendios

Torniquete electromecánico R2M2

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


Cingulate. Rotor. Gatekeeper's office with increased òðåáî âàíèÿìè to design, smoothness and noiseless run (the offices, the banks, ïðîõîäí ûå for

Descripción completa de la marca:

Distinctive features: - have built-in the ãèäðîäîìåõàíè÷åñêîå device of arc return in the starting position, providing stepless and the antinoise gyration; - electric remote control from desk of distant Directorate (PD) or systems of control and access control (ÑÊÓÄ); normal-state òóðíèêåòà - "is closed"; - are equipped with the bloc of electronic government, providing regulated the time delay on passage through turnstile with compulsory prior selling off on passage fact and allowing to dock the turnstile with any control system and access control (ÑÊÓÄ); - there is the light state indication Òóðíèêåòà (is opened - is closed); - the condition extraordinary passing through turnstile in cases of fire, alarm signal, recovery of high-dimensional loads etc is provided. - there is the omission conditions as on one person, and groups of people; - compensation alternatives: standard compensation - "silver àíòèê ", on order - "copper àíòèê" or "bronze àíòèê" (at a price of standard compensation); type compensations "prestige" - completely chromium plating turnstile, "aluminium Metallic", as well as any other colour on RAL. technical data: - supply voltage - 12 of direct current; - power consumption - 18Â? And; - total width - 1260 MM, aisle width - 550ìì; - distance from sex to paddle: at Ð2 - 540ìì, at Ð2Ì1 - 230ìì, at Ð2Ì2 - 420ìì; - mass - 45 kg; - carrying capacity in case of single pass - 900 passages in hour; - carrying capacity in case of passage - 1800 passages per hour; - maximal cable run from òóðíèêåòà to desk of distant Directorate - 300 m; - maximal cable run from òóðíèêåòà to power source - 20 m; - is fastened to sex three bolts; - operation conditions: from - 20 to +50 feedbacks in case of moisture 97%. In case of condition of protection against direct action of atmospheric precipitations there may be the operation out-of-doors (in the street, under canopy). completeness òóðíèêåòà: turnstile with plugged to him by the remote-control panel (PD); bloc of electronic government; 3 chromium plating occludent arc with plastic insertions (at òóðíèêåòà Ð2Ì2 - 12 chromium plating occludent laths); passport and operating instruction.

Condiciones de suministro:

Precio: contractual por itm