Sistema federal de información sobre mercancías y servicios (al inicio)
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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Alimentos, vevidas y sus componentes

Vodka especial "YAmskaya"

Para esta marca hay versiones - escójalas abajo después de familiarizarse con el resumen y descripció detallada


For amateurs of ascetic simple vodka. Its classic taste is brought to perfection thanks to application of special natural additions. Crewe åïîñòü.

Descripción completa de la marca:

Awards: 2 places - "Èíòåðäðèíê-97" ,. St. Petersburg, 1997). bronze medal - "Âèíî-âîäêà-òàáàê" ,. Sochi, 1998). gold medal - "Èíòåðäðèíê-98" ,. Moscow, 1998). gold medal first international taster competition in exhibition frames "of Ïðîäýêñïî-99" ,. Moscow, 1999). gold medal - "Ïðîäýêñïî-99" ,. Moscow, 1999). gold medal - "third all-russian review-competition of vodka and alcoholic beverage products" (Moscow, ÂÂÖ, 1999). diploma - competition "best domestic good" within frameworks of federal exibitions-fare on whole-sale and purchase of food goods ( Moscow, ÖÌÒ, 1999). silver medal - "international competition of alcoholic beverage product " Èíòåðäðèíê " ,. St. Petersburg, 1999). diploma 1 degree - regional wholesale fair on çàêóïêå-ïðîäàæå alcoholic product of manufacturers of Moskovskaya region ,. Ramenskoye Moskovskaya region. 1999. . silver medal - international fair "fault - vodka - tobacco" (sochi , 1999). mark "moscow quality" 1999. gold medal - 8 international exhibitions of food stuffs and drinks "ôóä Âîðëä - 99" (Moscow, 1999) yu

No.Marcación de la versión
Kind of packing volume, l
1 B-0,25
Bottle 0, 25
2 B-0,5
Bottle 0, 5
3 B-0,75
Bottle 0, 75