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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

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Maquinaria y equipo radioelectrónico

Condensador cerámico

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 •  Inter
 *  Nac.
  • K10-17A

    *  K10-17A

  • Monolithic insulated. To the operation in circuits of permanent, variable current and pulse modes in all climatic regions (execution ñ)
  • K10-73-5B

    *  K10-73-5B

  • Are manufactured with unidirectional leads in out of climate of èñïîë Íåíèè. Condensers analog of ÊÌ-5Á Ê10-17-3Ã.
  • K10-73-6V

    *  K10-73-6V

  • Leadless. For automated assembly.
  • K10-73-8V

    *  K10-73-8V

  • Condensers analog of Ê10-56. Can be supplied in packing for àâòîìà Òèçèðîâàííîãî assembly in equipment.
  • K10-74

    *  K10-74

  • Isolated, permanent capacitance for completing of luminous tubes Power up to 80 VA. The condenser corresponds to state standard 8799-90.
  • K15-5

    *  K15-5

  • Disc high-voltage ceramic of permanent capacitance with îäíîíàïðàâ Liege conclusions. For the operation in circuits of constant, variable and ïóëüñè Ðóþùåãî flows.
  • K10-18

    *  K10-18

  • One-layer disc leadless (ceramic disk, metallized Bilaterally) for the operation in circuits of direct and alternating currents and in Pulse modes at frequencies up to 2 500 mhzes.
  • K10-38

    *  K10-38

  • Tubular of permanent capacitance with axial leads. For the operation in circuits po Òîÿííîãî, variable and pulsating currents. Capacitance tolerance, %-10. 10
  • K10-62

    *  K10-62

  • One-layer disc ceramic of permanent capacitance with îäíîíàïðàâëåííû Mi by conclusions for the operation in circuits of constant, variable and ïóëüñèðóþùå Flows ãî.
  • K10-73

    *  K10-73

  • Monolithic, wide range of permanent capacitances, nominal of íàïðÿ Æåíèé and pluralities on transport spacecraft. For the operation in circuits of d. c and a. c. then Cove and in pulse modes.
  • K10-73-1B

    *  K10-73-1B

  • Monolithic of permanent capacitance with unidirectional leads, in âñåêëè Ìàòè÷åñêîì arrangment. Wire spacing 5, 0 mm. Constructively - technological analog Ê10-17Á.
  • K10-73-1V

    *  K10-73-1V

  • Leadless. The nominal voltage and the scale of reservoirs correspond to KOH Äåíñàòîðàì of Ê10-73-1Á.
  • K10-73-2B

    *  K10-73-2B

  • Monolithic of permanent capacitance with unidirectional leads in âñåêëèìà Òè÷åñêîì arrangment. Condensers analog of ÊÌ-4Á of 5Á, Ê10-17-3Ã.
  • K10-73-3B

    *  K10-73-3B

  • With unidirectional leads in out of climate arrangment.
  • K10-73-4B

    *  K10-73-4B

  • With unidirectional leads in out of climate arrangment. Analog Condensers of ÊÌ-4Á Ê10-17-3Ã.