Sistema federal de información sobre mercancías y servicios (al inicio)
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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Архив подсистемы «Информация производителей продукции»

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Materiales de construcción, construcciones, edificios y obras

Cola paea azulejos

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 •  Inter
 *  Nac.
  • "Pamzoll"

    *  "Pamzoll"

  • For adhesion of any insulation boards to vertical ïîâåðõíîñ Ti, as well as for adhesion to insulation boards reinforcing with current, metal or polymer. Packaging (sack) - 25êã.
  • "Pareks"

    *  "Pareks"

  • For adhesion of gas-silicate blocs and light plates, as well as for îøòó surfaces êàòóðèâàíèÿ. With import additions. Packaging (sack) - 40 kg.
  • "Paulit"

    *  "Paulit"

  • For gluing of plaster blocks with total cross-section 610 cm and ïðèêëåè âàíèÿ of them to load-bearing structures. With import additions. Packaging (mesh ok) - 40 kg.
  • "Paunal"

    *  "Paunal"

  • For adhesion of heavy marble, granite and ceramic tiles on vertical surfaces (for external and internal application). With import additions. Packaging (sack) - 25 kg.
  • "Paunol"

    *  "Paunol"

  • For adhesion of granite and ceramic tiles on horizontal on âåðõíîñòè. Offer properties of self-levelling flooring. with import additions. Packaging (sack) - 25 kg.
  • 100

    *  100

  • Nonshrinkable of bonding solution on cement base for tile paving on walls and sex. For internal and superficial works. Ìîðîçîóñòîé÷èâ and âîäîóñ òîé÷èâ. |
  • 25

    *  25

  • Bonding solution on cement base for tile paving wall-mounted and on llamas. For internal and superficial works. Ìîðîçîóñòîé÷èâ and âîäîóñòîé÷èâ. |
  • Bistri

    *  Bistri

  • For pallet adhesion wall-mounted and sexes of indoor.
  • Luks

    *  Luks

  • For lining of panel and sexes of tiled, ceramic, tesserae and natural stone in interior rooms and on external building walls.
  • Polimin P-12

    *  Polimin P-12

  • For fixation of ôàÿíñîâûõ, ceramic, concrete and them similar pallets on concrete, brick and daubed non-deformed with conventional (more than 3%) water absorption surfaces as on the outside, and within çä.