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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

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Materiales de construcción, construcciones, edificios y obras

Composición unicomponente Laxta vodynay probka

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


For operational liquidation of leak in conditions of permanent waterway ( in case of water pressure not more 4 atm.) in concrete and reinforced concrete constructions.

Descripción completa de la marca:

Ëàõòà the water cork represents the granular powder in Elephant-grey without clots and mechanical impurities. In the composition of the water cements, the filling agents and active polymer chemical agents.
at the expense of high adhesive power with concrete are included and quick nonshrinkable hardening the water cork disables the water influx after a few minutes after coating at the surface.
the typical objects of application.
drainage systems, reservoirs of waste-water purification, the tunnels, the basements, underground facilities, the productive premises, overlaps, the sexes of public bathrooms and laundry and bath.
the application technology the preparing of cracks and butts.
to clean surface to healthy concrete. If the crack of small volume, to extend it across the width and depth (no less than 20 MM).
the surface treatment.
to apply immediately after mixing. To attach material the cylinder form, to âäàâèòü it in crack or cavity by the strong hit by the palm gloved, wooden wedge or other planar object. Hold in place no less than 1 minute. If the òå÷ò water strongly, to withhold the cork during 6 minutes using âîäîïîãëàùàþùèõ materials. The surplus material to take away knife or other acute object. After leak is shut down the volume to the surfaces to proces subsoil from Ëàõòû infiltrating and to fill in tight solution of Ëàõòû of resistance. Long, fluid, the vertical cracks are patching top down, in succession depositing the small amounts of water cork.
the technical characteristics:
1. Compression strength in case of curing in water, MPa, no less than
- through 1 ֈc. 3
- through 28 days. 20
2. Adhesion time, mine, not more. 5
3. Cohesive strength with ground, MPa, no less than
- at the age of 1 hrs.. 0, 1
- at the age of 28 days. 1, 5
4. Through 1 days withstands the water pressure, MPa, no less than. 0, 4
5. Material application. All of climatic conditions
6. Middle material consumption, êã/äì^3. 1, 5-2
7. Temperature machined surface, degree. With, no less than. +5
8. Guarantee period of storekeeping, months. 6

Condiciones de suministro:

Precio: contractual por kg