Sistema federal de información sobre mercancías y servicios (al inicio)
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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Equipo de comercio y comedor

Surtidor de gasolina KT-22 "Rossiyanka-1"

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


2-ïðîäóêòîâàÿ. For equipment of small, middle and large filling station, òîïëèâîðàç äàòî÷íûõ items of enterprises and organizations. Propellant flow on the basis of appendage pump. 2 operator sides, 2 dispensing taps.

Descripción completa de la marca:

Automated dispensing taps, 4-ïîðøíåâîé measurer of òîïëè volume VA with high convergence issued doses. Management system: 7-ñåãìåíò humanitarian aid display on light diodes, electronic counter of cost and expenditure from ïóùåííîãî fuel, íåñáðàñûâàåìûé of mechanical counter for every ðàçäà exact crane, remote-control panel with checking-cash mitotic activity checking-cash register tyre "ÄÎÍ-002Ô. Possibility of work in modes "full Baku" and "on total sum". The disposal system of gasoline steams is being completed under order. rated flow through 1 discharge hose: ë/ìèí 50 minimal dose of issuance, l 2 value of a division of access address of single accounting, l 0, 01 number of distributing arms, state. 2 admissible limits main vacation inaccuracy of fuel, % +0, 25; - 0, 25 length of distributing arm, M 4 upper limit of statements access address of single accounting, l 999, 99 upper limit of statements fuel price, rub.. /ë 9999, 99 upper limit of statements single accounting, rub.. 99999, 99 particles filtering, micrometres, not more 60 particles filtering under order consumers, micrometres 20 engine power 1 hydraulic system, kilowatt 0, 55; 1, 1 Íàðÿæåíèå of electric power network motor, in (3-phase, 50 cycles) 380 (+10%; - 10%) nominal voltage, in topping-up electric-actuated valve of fuel 220 electronic board 12 mass, kg 200 thermal regime, degree. With - 40 to +50 is established not hereinafter 20 m from reservoir. Certificate ru. S. 29. 010. And NN 5098. Compliance to requirement quality system ISO 9002.

Condiciones de suministro:

Precios: de 24.05.2002 g. por itm Precio al por mayor: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Precio al por menor: 100200.00 RUR(RUR)

Without cost accounting of control box. The ÒÐÊ colour stipulates Sue in case of order.