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Bifidumbéctérine de lait caillé BFKS

Le pays: Russie
 le type du fournisseur: le producteur  
 L'information sur le fournisseur  Indicateurs des produits


For patient treatment with intestinal diseases and reduced immune status.

La description détaillée de marque:

Represents sterile solid or skim milk, ñêâàøåí humanitarian aid bifidobacteria. The product are in the form of mellowy uniform bunch with pleasant fermented-milk smell and taste, reminding the ryazhenka. In 1 product millilitre appears in no less than 100 000 live áèôèäîáàêòå of ðèé. Possesses by the high antagonistic activity in relation to p òîãåííûì and conventionally pathogenic microorganisms. Also is applied to âêþ÷åíèÿ in diet of sick people acute ëåéêîçàìè as a ëå÷åáíî - dietary product, contributing the dysbacteriosis preventive measure of SIF øå÷íèêà in the period of conducting of active antileukemic therapy. Ïðèíè May before each meal. Sick people with colon functions on the background of dysbacteriosis or sick people acute enteroinfections (the dysentery, salmonellosis) r êîìåíäóåòñÿ to give from 100 to 200 millilitres on admission 2 once every days (for 20-30 minutes to luncheon and lunch) during 5-7 days. In case of êîëèòè÷åñ SIF or ãàñòðîýíòåðîêîëèòè÷åñêîé form of dysentery is reasonable to ñî÷å to òàòü the application of fermented-milk áèôèäóìáàêòåðèíà and furazolidone. This provides the best therapeutic effect and significantly decreases the development frequency expressed intestine dysbacteriosis in early period ðåêîâàëåñöåíöèè. Designate child in case of colon disfunctions, arising on the background of artificial feeding, bronchopulmonary pathologies, ñåïòè ÷åñêèõ diseases and during ýêñóäàòèâíîì diathesis. With prophylactic child purpose being on artificial or mixed feeding, designate as a therapeutic addition to ïèòàíèþ. Contra-indications for application there is no. the instruction has been developed by the moscow research institute epidemiology and microbiology named after. N. Ãàáðè÷åâñêîãî ÌÇ of RSFSR. Öåíðàëüíûì research institute of ÌÇ epidemiology of USSR. moscow medical dental institute them Ñåìàøêî. food institute of academy of medical science of the ussr. institute of biomedical problems. the instruction is intended for âðà÷åé-ïåäèàòðîâ, infectious diseases specialists, òåðàïåâ t, gastroenterologists, TB doctors, rheumatologists etc.. packaging: polypropylene, sterile, hermetic glasses.

Les conditions de fourniture:

Le prix; de contrat pour pack