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Les aliments, les boissons et les composants pour eux

Vodka spéciale "Knyaz SerebryanY"

Le pays: Russie
 le type du fournisseur: le producteur  
 L'information sur le fournisseur  Indicateurs des produits


On classic technology of Russian vodka. Composition: ecologically clean grain alcohol, specially prepared the water, aromatic alcohol Kalgan root war gas, parsleys and birch kidneys.

La description détaillée de marque:

Elite vodka with refinement of taste and aroma of freshness of birch kidneys. gold medal I all-russian ñìîòðà-êîíêóðñà of alcohol drinks ,. Moscow, 1995). gold medal of II of all-russian ñìîòðà-êîíêóðñà of alcohol drinks ,. Moscow, 1997). silver medal of fair of faults and vodka ,. St. Petersburg, 1998). gold medal of exhibition "of Èíòåðäðèíê-98" ,. Moscow, 1995). bronze medal of fair of faults and vodka "of Ñî÷è-98. bronze medal III of all-russian ñìîòðà-êîíêóðñà of alcohol drinks ,. Moscow, 1999).

Les conditions de fourniture:

Le prix; de contrat pour bot