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L'équipement de soudure et les matériels

Equipement de soudure UST-9M

Le pays: Russie
 le type du fournisseur: le producteur  
 L'information sur le fournisseur  Indicateurs des produits


For fixture welding by the length to 80 MM to pipe-line from aluminium alloys.

La description détaillée de marque:

The weld shall be made in protective gases (argon, helium) unmelting ýëåêò gender with additive ïðîâîëîêîðé in case of vertical and horizontal ðàñï plane îëîæåíèè weldable butt with programming on ñâàðî÷íî current mitotic activity. according to required current gender the directive is being completed by âûïðÿìè ÂÑÂÓ-400 òåëåì or ac power supply of ÈÑÂÓ-400. conventional welding current (ÏÂ=60%), and 200 power consumption, kilowatt 23 diameters weldable pipe-line, MM 20-200 wall thickness of pipe-line, MM 1-2 diameter of tungsten electrode, MM 2-4 welding speed , ì/÷ 6-36 diameter filler wire, MM 1, 6 size of axis force of air cylinder, kg to 500 gender of welding current variable, ïåðåìåííî-èìïóëüñíûé overall dimensions, MM 2550õ600õ2000 mass, kg 1130

Les conditions de fourniture:

Le prix; de contrat pour itm