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Les machines-outils, les outils et les dispositifs

Machine à fraiser GF3200

Le pays: Russie
 le type du fournisseur: le producteur  
 L'information sur le fournisseur  Indicateurs des produits


Ñóïåðóíèâåðñàëüíûé, cantilever. For carring-out of milling, ñâåðëèëüíî- boring and thread cutting works. There may be the workpiece machining of different form from any materials.

La description détaillée de marque:

Constructive characteristics: the different automated cycles of work, àâòîì àòèçèðîâàííàÿ the assemblies lubricant and the individual lubricant of directing, ìåõàíè çèðîâàííîå the tool clamping in horizontal spindle, the IR mechanism îïîðöèîíàëüíîãî slowdown of submission, the electro-magnetic coupling of Directorate p assemblies ðåìåùåíèÿìè, the restriction device of clearance in screw pair ïðîäîë üíîãî pitch the mechanical safety clutch of protection of feeding drive on reloadings t, the electro-magnetic coupling of braking of horizontal øïèíäåë I in case of stop. univerasl milling head, established in ïîâîðîòíî-âûäâèæíîì kh îáîòå, allows to machine a part under any angle in longitudinal the flat table spinule, this the head are equipped with individual gear box with electric åêòðîïðèâîäîì. The head spindle has mechanical and hand feed. Íàëè whose the horizontal spindle allows the use of machine tool, as conventional horizontal-mill. At the same time the trail is turning on 180 ãðàäóñî V.. There may be the simultaneous processing by two spindles. it is possible to utilize dividing and slotting heads, rotary roundly the table ãî, modification on voltage and power frequency. engineering potentialities: automation of treatment, wide d èàïàçîí of spindle RPM and feeds of table, high speed is quickly displacements ûõ of assemblies, high ïðîèçâîäèòåëüíîññòü, reliability and äîëãîâå÷ íîñòü. the greatest mass workpiece with fixture, establish ûì in a lathe, êã-400. overall dimensions of machine tool, MM - äëèíà-2880 - øèðèíà-1965 - âûñîòà-2370 machine tool mass with electric equipment, êã-3500

Les conditions de fourniture:

Le prix; de contrat pour itm