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Macchine e attrezzamenti agricoli

falciatrice portata KRN

Per questo marchio ci sono delle modificazioni - sceglietele quм di sotto dopo aver preso conoscenza di annotazione con descrizione dettagliato


For cutting of high yielding grasses, including, on foul êóñòàð Nick area with stacking of continuous mass in swath. Àãðåãàòèðóåòñÿ with class tractors 0, 9-1, 4 heat pumps of ÌÒÇ-50. ÌÒÇ-80.

Descrizione del marchio dettagliata:

The mower has the new construction - the batter, the hang-over, detachable ñòàêàíû- of îáåñ ïå÷èâàþùóþ the substitution amenity hors de combat of parts, ðåñóð increase Ca. For fabrication of cells of mower are applied ðåññîðíî-ïðóæèííûå and other alloyed steels. The plant guarantees the work without repair not less three of year under condition of work with safety device, in case of necessity, provides by spare parts, carries out current and through repairs. ÊÐÍ-1 mower, 8 can be applied to the purification of foul continuous the chalk êîëåñüåì of fields and Luga. height ñêàøèâàåìîé epimerization, not more, cm 6 cutting tool in case of cutting grasses knife centrifugal

numero d'ordineMarchiatura della modificazione
Capacity in case of grasses cutting, ãà/÷àñ industrial. In case of cutting of continuous small forest, ãà/÷àñ revolution number of rotor, îá/ìèí width, m mass, kg cutting tool in case of small forest cutting
1 KRN-1,8
2, 5 1, 5 1500-3000 1, 8 470 æåñòêîçàêðåïë. knife
2 KRN-2,1
3, 15 0 2040 2, 1 570 -