Schiaramento/annotazione:With single chamber multiple glass units, filled by the argon and with
íèçêîýìèññèîííûì compensation
Descrizione del marchio dettagliata:Product / serial production
ÎÊÄÏ code: 2522139
certificate: 039. 240. 1. Av. 3. 1419
is registered in: "Ìîññòðîéñåðòèôèêàöèÿ" 05. 05. 99
certificate validity interval: with 05. 05. 99 on 05. 05. 01
standard documents: technical specification 2291-004-04000706-96 "window and áàëêîííûå
door polyvinylchloride (ÓÏÂÕ) with ñòåêëîïïàêåòàìè for buildings
different allotment"; ÐÌ 2722 "nomenclature and designs drawing",
ÌÍÈÈÒÝÏ; construction norms and specification of II-3-79* "building heat technology"; ÌÃÑÍ 2. 04-97
"admissible levels |
Condizzioni di fornamento: