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Attrezzatura tecnologica

apparecchio surgelatore Rostok-1200M-F

Paese: Russia
 Tipo di fornitore: Produttore  
 Informazioni di fornitore  Codice d'identificazione di produzione


Ôëþèäèîçàöèîííûé. For freezing of ìåëêîøòó÷íîãî or crushed p ëîäîîâîùíîãî raw material: fruits, vegetable stew and soup mixtures, potato ôðè, fungi, small-sized fish and prawns.

Descrizione del marchio dettagliata:

Raw material, passed the preliminary preparation (cleaning, washing, grading and assortment work, blanching, drying and ïðåäîõëàæäåíèå), flows to the entrance section of tunnel. Hereinafter on horizontally moving reticulate conveyer the product shall be submitted inside of lagged camera and fall in upflow of cold air. The air velocity on initial section is selected by the so that the product pass in suspension (fluidization). This contributes to intensive particles mixing of product and is hampered their agglutination. Surface particles very fast (30. 180 secs) to coats by the ice crust, after what following freezing (5. 22 mine) shall be made in tight layer in case of smaller air velocities. When achieving central temperature of particle minus 18 degree. With, the product come into the reception pocket of tunnel and is channeled into prepackaging. All surface, contacting product, are made of corresponding materials. the air circulation within tunnel are provided high pressure blowers. The air cooling is carried out by the ribbed evaporative batteries, in pipes of which are seething coolant (ammonia or 22 freons). The apparata conveyers have the separation control tape speed to customize on freezing condition of any one of just listed products. this class of apparata provides highest (among aerial) the freezing rate, the minimum loss of weight and keep high products quality. After freezing the product keeps source crumbly structure and excellently ôàñóåòñÿ. | capacity on ãîðîõó, êã/÷àñ 1200 length of chamber, MM (not more) 9500 camera width, MM (not more) 4500 camera height, MM (not more) 3950 with a power of. Electric motors, kilowatt (not more) 27 capacity îòòàå÷í. Heat-electrical heater, kilowatt (not more) 36 particle size of product, MM 5. 35 starting temperature of product, degree. With plus 20 finite temperature of product, degree. With minus 18 air temperature in the chamber, degree. With minus 25. 35 boiling temperature of coolant, degree. With minus 40 freezing time, mine 6. 25 cold consumption, kilowatt (not more) 170

Condizzioni di fornamento:

Prezzo: pattuito per itm