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Jogos, equipamento para jogos e divertimentos

Balança electromecánica "Kosmichesky chelnok"

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

For entertainment resting aged from 5 to 60 years. Óñòàíàíâëèâàþòñÿ in entertainment parks, in sport centres, another places of ìàññîâ rest oho, furnished by the electric power.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

Is made in the form of spacecraft, around the periphery of which óñòàíîâ- flax the illumination. on the top of seesaws is established the airplane, also having the illumination. the people fixing to bezel is carried out with the help of locking arcs with compulsory unblanking. the seesaws swinging is carried out by the electromechanic drive. Directorate - manual. human being Âìåñòèìîñòü-16. êðåñåë-6 number of state. êàòàíèÿ-3 time of minute. êà÷àíèÿ-10 radius of m arc of oscillation of degrees ìàêñèìàëüíàÿ-75. overall dimensions: length - 15, 9 m width - 7, 5 m height - 11 m mass - 12000 kg.

Condições de fornecimento:

Preços: para 05.06.2002 g. por itm Preço por atacado: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Preço a retalho: 1850000.00 RUR(RUR)