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Jogos, equipamento para jogos e divertimentos

Balança gigante "Extreme Attraction-K"

Para esta marca existem modificações - pode escolhe-las em baixo, apуs conhecer a anotação e descrição porminorizada

Explicação, anotação:

The seesaws have many of design variants, the illumination, are equipped with the modern energy-saving the control systems.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

Base type - without base on solid platform. Посадки/высадки time - 25 secs. Average consumed electric drive horsepower (drives) special attraction in case of capacity operation - 27 кВт*ч/ч. Demands for power source, В/Ф/Гц/А N PE - 380/3/50/220 N PE. Limitations in operation. Temperature - from - 10 up to 45 degrees. With. Moisture - not more than 96 percents. Wind - not more than 15 м/с. Because of low operating expenditure of seesaw have the minimal pay-back period.

  Modificação /????????????
?Marcação de modificação
Suspension vertical height of gondola, metalHoisting depth of gondola, metalPlatform dimension for installation of special attraction, metalMaximal angle of swinging, degree.Output capacity up to, ч/чOscillation time, withSurplus vertical acceleration, gPassenger uplift, peoples.Average consumed electric. Power иллюмин. кВт*ч/чBuildup time, pattern.Time of This is only test. Ирования and setting-ups, pattern.Amount 40ft containers of Open-top for transport, state
1 "Mars-360"
91817 on 73607001552, 53215214
2 "UFO"
161727 on 131409001501, 5601830, 55
3 "Mars-120"
91817 on 71207001552, 53215214