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Equipamento e aparelhos de medição

regulador de temperatura RTCGV-25

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

For automatic temperature control in systems is centralized Noy heat water supply of individual buildings and serving êîìïëåê buildings owls of different allotment.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

With water user number of 1000 persons and more than, in case of number setting liege water devices 550 and more than. diameter of port area, yes, MM 25 throttling range, with, not more 10 insensibility zone, with, not more 3 qualified pressure of environment, MPa, not more 1 regulated the ñðåäà-âîäîïðîâîäíàÿ water with temperature to 95ãðàäóñ with time constant, with, not more than 100 relative leak, %, not more from Êv 4 significance fixed tuning 60 Êv/ì . Cuba. /÷ 6 Íàìèíàëüíûé development vent, MM 4 mass, kg, not more 2, 8 permissible temperature ïåðåãðóçêà-25 ãðàäóñÑ of higher than the temperature ðåãóëè ðóåìîé environment. as a thermoregulating element is used the temperature sensor with solid filler of type ÒÄÌ. the controller is being manufactured on the technical specification 25-7301. 0022-87

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por itm