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Equipamento e aparelhos de medição

Gerador de alta frequência G4-176

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

Signal generator of HF. To customize, examinations and ïðîâåð SIF of broadcast, communication and television equipment, as well as âûñî êîêà÷åñòâåííîé household audio and videoequipment.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

The extensive spectrum of technical characteristics of generator allows to use that in different measurement circuits, including as èñòî÷- the TV Nick ñèãíàëîâíåñóùèõ frequencies of image and sound in case of adjustment òå- ëåâèçîðîâ and ð/à; as heterodyne in frequency-changing circuits; as IC òî÷íèê unmodulated oscillations; as the source of modulated ñèãíà- aircraft with AM, the FM and their combination. the wide range established the output voltages make íåçà- èåíèìûì Ã4-176 for trial purposes of receiver congestion, on trial ñìå- ñèòåëåé of high level on intermodulation distortions, in scheme èç- ìåðåíèÿ of impedances etc. in generator the condition íåêàëèáðîâàííîé FM on permanent current , intended for ancillary measurements is provided, that can be is used for modulating and synchronizations by the outer ring of PLL (phase-locked loop). a matter of convenience of conducting repeatable measurements in generator ìî- æåò to be is used the inherent memory, allowing to memorize 11 êîì- parameters áèíàöèé. the generator may to work in copeck and provides full ïðîãðàììèðó- åìîñòü in case of äïèñòàíöèîííîì Directorate in the composition of computer-based information system or are autonomous. Ðó÷- the humanitarian aid Directorate is carried out with faceplate by means of keyboard and pen of êâàçèïëàâíîé setting of parameter. main technical characteristics. frequency characteristics: frequency range. 0, 1. 1020 mHz discreteness: to 160 mHz. 0, 1 kHz above 160 mHz. 1 kHz frequency setting error. +1, 5. 10Å-7 frequency instability for 15 minute after ñàìîïðîãðåâà 30 minute. +-5, 5. 10Å-8 parameters of output voltage: variation limits of output voltage. 0, 032. 10Å-6. 2 in to 640 mHz. (- 149, 9. +6äÁÂ) to 940 mHz. 0, 032. 10Å-6. 1 in setting error of reference level 0, 1 V.. +-1 decibel setting error of attenuator weakening. +-1. 2 decibels modulating parameters: frequency of baseband signal: internal AM and FM. 50, 200, 300, 400, 1000, 2500, 3400, 10000 Hz external AM. 0, 05. 60 kHz external FM. 0, 03. 60 kHz variation limits of AM coefficient (discontinuously through 1%) . 0. 99 % directive limits of frequency deviation. 0, 05. 995 kHz

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por itm