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Cursos, aulas, consultas, serviços de formação

Aumento de qualicação ITR 03.02

País: Bielorússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: ???????????  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

Speciality of T. 03. 02. - "technology and machinery of âûñîêî-ýôôåêòèâíûõ processes of material processing". Ñïåöèàëèçàöèÿ- "modern methods fgn æåíåðíûõ calculations".

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

For enterprise design engineers, organizations, research institutes and designs office, ñïåöèà lytic in the field of solid mechanics, acoustics, vibromechanics, optimization and êîìïüòåðíûõ methods of analytical calculations and ìîäåëèðî of âàíèÿ. The listeners îâëàäåþò highly efficient funds of conducting engineering designs in the field: ôåìåíîëîãè÷åñêîé theory of plasticity; m õàíèêè of rigid body and discrete tels; fracture mechanics, âèáðàöèîí mechanics Noy; will receive the practical proficiencies in optimization methods, bellow òðîíèêå, acoustic engineering, defectoscopy methods, computer àëãåá r, calculations analysis in engineering designs and research. Increase qualification in ÓÖ is carried out according to schedule admission, êîòî paradise is formed under contract with ministries, departments, pre acceptances and interested parties. The listeners challenge on increase to âàëèôèêàöèè is carried out ÓÖ not subsequently, as for 5 days before the beginning of manual. at the same time of enterprise and organization according to schedule its mine èñòåðñòâà (departments) or along a straight line contract with ÓÖ not subsequently, as for 5 days before the beginning of businesses represent in ÓÖ the following documents on êàæ Doi listener: - enterprise direction, signed by the chief enterprises and certified by the stamp; - document copy on higher education (diploma); - copy of payment orders on payment for education ñëóøàòå leu; - signed contract (in two copies) on education in ÓÖ "personnels industry". Above mentioned documents shall send the address of ÓÖ "the personnels èíäóñòð artificial intelligence" or hand in personally, but not subsequently as for 5 days before the beginning of businesses. On applications by the living in another town listeners are given the comfortable îáùåæè òèÿ or áðîíèðóþòñÿ places in hotels. There may be the organization of nutrition. The L óøàòåëè are provided by the education-methodics literature. Mode of payment: clearing in terms of roubles radiobiological plant at the rate of national bank or in rouble leus Russian Federation at the rate of as of the payment day; - cash payment (under condition of submission application for participation for 10 days before the beginning of manual). In case of appointment card for ó÷å áó of two employees from one enterprise ñêèäêà10%, three and áîëåå-15% from base cost of tuition (on service is not applied).

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por crs

Beginning the educations on fact of prepayment. is indicated base cost per educational course without additional services (without dwelling and food).